Test the quality of your sleep

National Brainwash - with sleep

Welcome to do good deeds for your sleep. You have two options to monitor and improve the quality of your sleep:

1. Test your sleep with a sleep score calculator.

Take an easy sleep score test. This test is personal and an easy way to monitor your sleep progress. The test is not diagnostic. For serious sleep disorders, consult a doctor.

2. Choose a sleep deed and track its impact.

You can optionally track the impact of your sleep deeds with a sleep test, but taking the sleep test is not mandatory for participation.

Choose a sleep deed!

Now it's time to move from words to sleep deeds! Even small sleep deeds during the day can improve your nighttime sleep. The environment can facilitate sleep deeds and collective decisions encourage and support their implementation. The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness of the importance of sleep as a foundation for brain health. You demonstrate appreciation for sleep by performing sleep deeds during the day! We recommend choosing 1-3 sleep deeds to make the action possible. Take on a suitable challenge and follow through with it!

Building Better Sleep in 2024

  • Aivoliitto
  • IhanaElo Oy
  • Mänttä-Vilppulan kaupunki/tilapalvelut
  • PPO-Elektroniikka Oy
  • Sanapolku OY
  • Terveystalo Kuntoutuspalvelut
  • Uniopisto.fi

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