The importance of sleep
Sleep has a vital role in the well-being and health of the brain. Sleep has various functions related to alertness, brain cleansing functions (Helakari et al., 2022), information processing, emotions, stress management, recovery as well as hormonal and immunological functions (Partonen, 2022). Insufficient sleep increases the risk of accidents and various diseases. In addition, insufficient sleep weakens the mood, pain threshold and information processing functions, especially functions related to memory and executive functions. Insufficient sleep may be a result
of various reasons. The amount of sleep may be too low or its quality is poor. In some cases, not enough time is allocated for sleeping. Sometimes, social or physical factors related to the environment do not support sufficient, undisturbed sleep. The condition may be linked to insomnia or other sleep disorders.

Appreciate sleep
Insufficient sleep affects the development of the brain, learning, functional capacity and the experience of well-being negatively. Mental health and behavioural disorders as well as musculoskeletal system disorders are the most significant groups of diseases that cause incapacity for work. Lack of sleep is closely associated with both groups through negative mindsets and emotions, sensation of pain, poor commitment to
treatment methods and poor stress management.
Conversely, sufficient, restorative sleep supports information processing functions, healthy mood, autonomic nervous system balance and recovery from both physical and mental stress. Due to the important restorative effect of sleep, it is the basis of the adults’ physical recommendations outlined by the UKK Institute, on which everything else is built.

Download the programme's working paper and other materials
In the working paper, the principles and background of the National Brain Health Programme are recorded, along with research-based connections to impact goals and the prerequisites for achieving the goals. Familiarize yourself with the comprehensive background document prepared by nearly 50 experts or download the program's brochure.