A humanly sustainable community that supports brain health

The impact goal of the National Brain Health Programme by 2030

For all age groups, the overarching, long-term impact goal of the entire program has taken shape as a humanly sustainable society that promotes brain health. It is socially sustainable to develop society in a direction that enhances everyone's opportunities to experience humane aspects of life and feelings that are inherently essential to humans, such as love, care, justice, meaning, trust, security, participation, capability, and agency. These opportunities arise from the fertile and interdependent interaction of the brain, mind, community, and its structures.

A socially sustainable society acknowledges, supports, and safeguards humanity, brains, and mental functions. This, in turn, contributes to the happiness, sense of meaning and belonging, as well as the involvement and active participation of the members of society.

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An extensive group of experts in various fields is required for the implementation of practical measures. We want to look after the brain health of every person living in Finland.